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yikes, these two were referring to Lark and Felix, sorry for the confusion! Brain is fried after work.
lol lark wishes he was competition.
jo and felix literally elope their first year of meeting. they got married at 20 and the story starts when they're 30. we don't really do love triangle plots (at least I personally can't stand them lol)
the story isn't about how they get together, although that's a fun process in it. it's very much Established Relationship trope at its most prominent.
There's a point I've reached I am going to share with you: I don't know how off the mark I am but I have concluded for today that Gaze is about Jolanka's romance route picking (looking at THESE TWO in bold and italics please) and how everyone is bewildered about it (including the audience, this story is meta and we're also participating in a way, shh). Then some action happens.
Love the cast. The boost of serotonin every time there's an update, istg.
I think some text got missing in your hypothesis.... or at least I don't think I follow
I am so sorry if I've sent this ask at least 3 times now, my browser's old and it doesn't confirm if I've sent an ask unless I change browsers. Feel free to completely trash this ask.
It's a fine evening and I am drinking my tea gazing at the GAZE webpage and I'd like to make two statements: first Lark has stolen my heart, I love to see his early concepts again with fresh eyes and I love/ hate everything about him (HE'S SO GOOD HELP) but I couldn't help but notice more details of Mr. Vivaldi... (I am Mr. Vivaldi's no1. fan THANKSS) IS MR VIVALDI TRANS?!?! Or is the person next to him a different character. I am lowkey assuming it's a different char because of their facial structure but I might as well be looking too much into it. Anyway I am having loads of fun messing around guessing, thank you for the entertainment <333
like I said... everything about Mr. Vivaldi is a spoiler : )
I am also glad to see Lark is appreciated for the right reasons
Hi Chira! Do you have any tips for sticking to a personal project? I struggle to finish anything past the concept stages because my interest and inspiration wane once I have an idea/timeline down(sometimes I wonder if I'm destined to do specifically character-related concept art as a job, but that kind of job is already really saturated...). I have ADHD but none of my skills for dealing with that seem to help. Is this something you've struggled with and found solutions for that work for you? I guess the question here is how you sit down and work on something if you have 0 interest in it. Sorry if this is a complex thing to answer! (PS- I've loved sfeer theory for a long, long time. thank you for making it c: )
think of a project is a longterm relationship or friendship. I know people compare them to marathons a lot, but marathons is work and effort and blind commitment. A relationship, however, is about enjoying the mundane every day company even when there's nothing exciting going on. The reality is 99% of a project's reality is going to be boring, mundane, banal, routine, and unexciting -- and that's a feature.
When you hang out with your friends, do you particularly care what you're doing together other than the fact you're just making memories? and a really good friendship/relationship is one that boosts your energy every day just because you have it. Much like how a lot of people can only seem to serially date in shallow relationships (hook-up culture), if you only love a project during the honeymoon period, you're basically just serially dating with ideas that you dump after a month. In the analogy that can mean you're seeing the project as a means to an end or filling some kind of lack in your life or skill, not as a fixture of your life that you're building and want to nurture and have a future with.
A longterm project in practical reality is a lot like attending school. It's your life for, like, X-number of years, everything about you is devoted to accomplishing what you're studying, and then one day you graduate. If you're only doing a project for the emotional thrill then that's perfectly fine but you will absolutely move on as soon as the novelty wears off.
also: when I was younger I used to tell people: you never know what you're capable of until you start and you won't understand what you're capable of until you finish
i hope this doesn't tread on spoilers for Gaze, but which astro pairings to which characters do you feel are most fitting, or are you most amused by ~
Felix is the only one whose astro sits on my mind. Felix is, without exaggeration, kind of the Pisces Manifesto in every possible conceivable way lol including being impossible to explain even if he looks really simple and straightforward.
As far as pairings go, I don't know if I have much to say there! I don't actually think about the astro for Gaze characters that deeply, which isn't the usual for me.
genuine question anon here, sorry, you're actually right (and I am sorry you're going through this, too..). I hope your time off was good at least and it's not too much of a pain to get back to the groove, even if it's slow.
In that case if I can brighten your day by asking you a question that's been on my mind, how much can you spill about Mr. Vivaldi that's not on the GAEB webpage and is his name after the musician Vivaldi cause I have to know. Or like. Does he listen to Vivaldi.
despite the fact I am typing with fingers I am physically biting my tongue to discipline myself to not explain shit about Mr. Vivaldi. Everything about that man is a giant spoiler, but please know he's cooler than you currently think he is.
The most I can say is he did, in fact, name himself his goon monicker (because it's what he goes by professionally, it's not his actual name!) after the composer yes, specifically because of the Four Seasons. So yes he also listens to Antonio, too.
bro I am legit missing out, like I am on all 4's begging for it. I LOVE YOUR ANALYSIS!!! I do remember the tumblr days and I was so sad you stopped posting then but I understand completely. Was very happy when you came back even if it wasn't anymore for opinions. Your art is dope.
BUT YES LET ME TELL YOU I was entertaining the idea that a personal page somewhere would be awesome but sadly it doesn't fortify you from whoever wants to be an ass, digging around to find you again.
oh, the world is so unfair!! (waves a white flag in defeat)
Don't give up hope I'm still seriously considering making a fandom account just so I can tall about Forspoken a lot. I am trying to remind myself that's a bad idea because people are annoying. Idk. Maybe I'll finally use dreamwidth, who knows.
genuine question bc I admire this so much and it blows my mind, plus my autism probably doesn't let my head wrap around it.. how would you be able to write opinions for days, plus game, plus work, plus take care of yourself? It feels like a superpower to have. To me even if I get excited my steam runs out after an hour of writing and then I can't do much but work and then sleep. brofists in freelance hell and solidarity
I am rather confused you think I'm managing a balance when what prompted this question is literally me saying I don't game as often as I used to because it takes me up to a month to get back to a work groove and therefore I've only really gamed when I'm stuck in a depressive swing. The reality is I don't manage any kind if balance, I just do my best.
But if you're asking me how I can write out my thoughts without losing steam, bruh that's just who I am, I'm almost 40 and what you see now is the best I can make myself shut up and I feel the attempt is a collosal failure. Ejecting critical thoughts structurally from the ether of my mind has always been my default state of existence.
In fact I wish you guys asked me questions more often, especially about my stories and characters, so I have an excuse to ramble at length but my inbox is usually pretty quiet. I'm blueballing.
please I've been thinking forever I need a Jayd blog with your gaming adventures and opinions but writing takes TIME. I'd always tune in to your podcast, just so you know wink
oh trust me I can write out my opinions for days, if you're in front of me you're basically held hostage as I explain to you impromptu essays about all the shit I like and think about constantly. time and energy is not the reason or obstacle, it takes more effort to keep my thoughts IN if anything.
it's people getting in my comments annoying me is why I don't bless you all with my objectively rad media commentary 24/7.
look if you remember my tumblr days you understand why I just decided it was not worth it to deal with strangers having emotional breakdowns in my inbox because I said an opinion on a show/game/movie they shaped their entire identity around. it's a shame because you're all missing out
Hey. thank you for posting about your hardships. I woke up this morning crying, the only thing I'v managed to do recently is get out of bed after a 14hr sleep for the last week or so. Gaming in the meantime is really awesome and helps me switch my brain off but as soon as it's over im in this state of wanting to be swallowed by something and sleep without feeling, but that also feels sucky. Sorry for the TMI, I am going to be ok, just having a rough time right now. To know that someone can go through something similar and have the effects of oh fuck now it take me 2-3 weeks to get used to drawing normally again helps calm the pain of everything down. I thought being knocked out for a week to a month was abnormal and something I caused myself, even if I've been seeing a therapist for forever but this is something I haven't managed to resolve. ANYWAYS, all I want to say is really thank you for thoughts.
I look up to you and to your work. I have no idea of your life besides what you write, so it was a very grounding and human thing to read after waking up feeling deadbeat. My heart feels lighter today.
I hope yours too. Take care and have a good rest of the month.
I am waving to the skies sending you good energy.
man I am sorry you're going through it. been there, done that, and will probably be there again.
not sure what your diagnosis is but being bipolar myself I definitely understand how much it sucks when you have no control over the state of your internal world or the condition of your mental health and you just have to do your best to survive it and always aspire to work toward a world where you don't have to anymore.
if sharing my experiences helped you feel like the pressure evaporated just a little bit, I'm glad. please take care of yourself. however you find rest and hope is valid, gaming or otherwise, and I hope it gets easier as time goes on.
hey Chira. You've said multiple times that whether you're cool or not is debatable(?) but let me tell you for me you're the fucking coolest, okay. I'm reading your skeets like morning newspaper clenches fist.
I've been really stressed recently (who isn't!) but it's been eating me up from the inside and playing video games felt forbidden cause I am supposed to work. Well- work never ends but succumbing to old bad habits (aka resting is bad when you have to deliver) has done a number on me. I am glad other people do it too without feeling bad for it. I feel my psyche has calmed down and I'll party tonight playing one of my favorites after I am done with work. I'm too weak for alchohol so I'll be drinking my favorite cherry soda to your name.
Cheers Chira. You SLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I don't know if this looks like a joke cause I am coming so determined and aggressively in your inbox but know this is not a drill, I mean every. single. word.)
I really have to insist whatever coolness factor you think I have is wishful thinking at best.
And I'm glad you're taking the time to appreciate taking a break. Don't feel guilty for resting, you don't live to work, you work to live and all that.
Also having a the idea of a Chira-Soda gave me a good chuckle, thank you for that.
Thank you very much for responding to my question. There's a lot to thnk about. It's scary to me re: how life can be without succumbing to stress, and I find it very difficult breaking out of what I've learned as a child (thanks parents lol) but from friend pressure and your recent skeets I have been warming up to going to therapy. I've built a life where I can function but art for me comes in waves and I get tunnel vision until I burn out and wait forever again to draw. To me this feels like taking a huge risk as this is the only lifestyle i know. I feel there's hope with what you wrote. I wish more artists loved their work so openly. (it always felt like taboo, i'm glad to see times change.)
I hope your day is filled with things that make you happy and smiles. You've definitely given me hope. Thank you!
First: Please, absolutely seek therapy. I think everybody should see therapy, it's a good investment in yourself and finding the balance you want. Therapy isn't a fix -- nothing is a fix -- but it's a step toward recovery.
Second: I do agree it seems taboo that people openly love their work, I've been told a lot I'm up my own ass and narcissistic and arrogant for being so unapologetic (I think the only adjective out of that list I agree with is arrogant, I totally am, which I'm fine with). Still, it's never stopped me, because the one thing I also understood all my life is people who dislike themselves will always dislike others who don't, and there's absolutely no harm to being happy about your own art to absolutely anybody -- but there's a lot of harm in the opposite, especially to yourself.
Third: Yes, life is terrifying, and stress can be overwhelming. Please know managing stress doesn't mean that it stops being a burden. There are plenty of days where I succumb to it still and the best I can do to stave it off is rest and play video games. I find the best way to learn how to manage the pressures of life is to accept the pressures will always be there, make peace with that, and then do your best to not war with it. In an office there's always the coworkers that annoy the shit out of you, but you still have to work with them, so fighting with them will only make that harder.
Fourth: I know leaving a toxic but familiar situation (lifestyle, relationship, habits, you name it) is intimidating because you don't know what anything outside of that looks like. And that's okay.
In fact, I let that be the thing that guided me in the past 5 years. When I decided I had to change my relationship 180 with my drawing habits, I confronted the fact that if anything I did felt familiar, predictable, or in any way in my control then I was doing it wrong, because it meant I was still operating in what I already knew. But a better outcome is one that would be completely new to me, so if something felt foreign or foolish, I knew I was going in the right direction. It wasn't always the answers, but it was exploration and in the exploring is what opened up my world to something that was beyond my imagination, which was the point.
You don't know what a better life feels like, if you did you'd be living it. So the first step towards it is to allow yourself to be a pioneer and discover what that looks like.
Anyway, I'm glad you're finding hope. If there's anything I can do, is to encourage you to be brave about that hope.
Is it okay to ask if you could please share some of your wisdom/ experience on how you achieved the constantly chill, never stressful art balance? You have a wonderful post on tumblr, but since you brought this up again (thank you), how do you balance personal projects/ work? what if you don't feel like it and the deadline for the work is approaching? There's many times I've thought of leaving the industry but no other jobs give me as much as my place right now. I work in design and I can't really say I enjoy it but it's what my degree gave me and for financial reasons it's hard to step down. To do anything else i'd have to invest to either masterclasses or something that won't put me in any entry level job. Any tips appreciated!
As a treat, are you sweet tooth and if yes or no, do you have any favorite deserts?
As sarcastic as it may be to say, a good way to curb stress is to just not engage with stress.
I don't mean ignoring or repressing. I try to think of stress as a really annoying jerk trying to distract me and grab at my attention, like a rude commentor or troll. And the best way to deal with those is to remind yourself of your real priorities and what's important to you and refocus on that instead. Like, do I actually want to waste time indulging in fighting this idiot, or do I want to invest my time in something I actually care about?
The more you get in the habit of training yourself at redirecting your focus on what's important, it just gets a lot easier to acknowledge stress exists, and you have to manage or address it to some extent (in the analogy of a troll, blocking and maybe venting at a friend about how stupid that jerk was), but end of the day all it does is eat your time and emotions because it's also never going to go away. Keeping yourself aware of what you want your time and emotions to be spent on just elevates your general reality.
With regards to responsibilities and obligations, I just generally remind myself I agreed to it, so I can't be a brat about it. Whatever responsibility I have, there's a person on the other side of it who depends on me to follow through, and that person isn't responsible for my resentment nor are they beneath me. I have to respect the dignity of the people around me by respecting the work that is on my shoulders to follow through on.
Because, end of the day, if I'm constantly spending my time on things that are beneath me or I have contempt for, then it doesn't really matter if it's true or not -- I'm the person who's deciding my life should be filled with things that aren't worthy of me, so I'm not being worthy of me.
Professionally, when I agree to a job I try to remove any part of "ugh do I have to, this doesn't interest me at all" out of me and think instead "the person wanted me, specifically, to do this for them, they deserve my respect for having good taste and taking a chance on me" and have that lead me instead.
In that framing, deadlines are still a lot of work and have a lot of pressure/stakes, but I don't really feel the stress about it because all I'm thinking is "I can't let people down, they're believing in me, so come on let's make their day" -- and, well, I'm someone who gets a lot of gratification knowing I made someone else happy. I take a lot of pleasure in literally being of service to others.
I don't really know if this was helpful or concise, but it's reflective of what goes through my head when I'm managing my day to day realities.
to your second question: I'm relatively a sweet tooth (it happens in cycles), and I always love chocolate
Very interesting convos recently. May I pick your brain on impostor syndrome (and "fake it till you make it" since I believe it was also mentioned, pardon me if it wasn't). I'd love your two cents on these matters. They've been discussed for a long time and I remember seeing them in interviews, one of Seth Godin stuck with me where he said impostor syndrome is a feeling of being a fraud, unprepared, and he suggests you can't get rid of it, and you shouldn't want to as it's a sign you're healthy, to quote. I don't agree that you cannot get rid of it nor the absolute "shouldn't" (((even though I don't know how one could get rid of it))) but I like his thoughts when he mentions "it's a sign that you're healthy, it's a sign that you're doing good work- because if you're trying to invent the future, of course you're an impostor because you haven't seen the future yet".
I hope you don't mind me quoting him. I still stand by my question which is, I'm knees down for your two cents regardless of my thoughts and musings in your askbox (though if it doesn't drive you mad and you disagree with the statement, all the more entertaining)! Cheers!
huh. I think that quote is poetic but also means absolutely nothing.
'imposter syndrome' is a defined term about the phenomenon of feeling as though you don't deserve recognition, credit or acclaim for the valid and earned labor that you perform. For example, you don't think you deserve a promotion you got because you somehow conned everyone around you to think you're good at your job when the simpler reality is you're good at your job, you just don't recognize that you are.
It's not ambiguous and to redefine it for some kind of allegorical journey of how to manifest a creative future is pretentious, to say the least.
as far as getting rid of it... uh, yes? you can? very easily, actually? because the practical reality to counteract that is to recognize your worth and the worth of your labor. I know because it's been my job for the past 5 years to coach and talk artists through how to excise the toxicity out of the relationship with their creativity.
trust me, 'imposter syndrome' is really not something I deal with or, if I have ever dealt with it, then I dealt with it so efficiently I don't even remember having it. I'm someone who actually does acknowledge I worked and studied hard for the things I made and I have absolutely no problem demanding others to recognize the validity of my work.
I respect Godin has his personal view of how he relates to his own art and power to him, but his thoughts has absolutely nothing to do with an emotional dysfunction that is extremely very treatable with some simple CBT counselling. I'd be extremely cautious of listening to anyone who romanticizes that.
Hey Chiraa <33 I hope you're well <33 If you have time (and you don't mind me asking) could you pass on some questions you asked yourself when you decided to get off social media that you think might be helpful, or were the most interesting/ difficult to respond to?
I loved your recent post about it and resonated with me.
I am asking this on retrospring in case you decide to respond and someone else also finds it helpful besides me u v u
~sends kiss
I'm actually not sure if I can provide any deep questions for you, but I can at least tell you I'm constantly motivated to be self-reliant and self-dependent. The last thing I ever want to be is trapped, and I refuse to accept learned helplessness as a reality on principle. I want to be the one to define myself, not have the world or others define me. I firmly believe that, while I may not always have a choice in the circumstances I live through, I do have a choice in how cooperative I am to those circumstances.
So my relationship with SM fundamentally changed when I recognized the bigger forces at play and how much I was cooperating with it, which lead to the inevitable questions of 'why am I complying? what's stopping me from changing the game? what do I actually want for myself here?'
and since I'm a stubborn contrarian I just flipped the bird and decided to figure out how to swim against the tides.
And that I don't think there's anything more you can do other than go "no" and do something different until you figure out what works.
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