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Chira | MOVED
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help me be less bored


local anon · 12d

yikes, these two were referring to Lark and Felix, sorry for the confusion! Brain is fried after work.

lol lark wishes he was competition.

jo and felix literally elope their first year of meeting. they got married at 20 and the story starts when they're 30. we don't really do love triangle plots (at least I personally can't stand them lol)

the story isn't about how they get together, although that's a fun process in it. it's very much Established Relationship trope at its most prominent.

local anon · 12d

There's a point I've reached I am going to share with you: I don't know how off the mark I am but I have concluded for today that Gaze is about Jolanka's romance route picking (looking at THESE TWO in bold and italics please) and how everyone is bewildered about it (including the audience, this story is meta and we're also participating in a way, shh). Then some action happens.
Love the cast. The boost of serotonin every time there's an update, istg.

local anon · 13d

like I said... everything about Mr. Vivaldi is a spoiler : )

I am also glad to see Lark is appreciated for the right reasons

local anon · 15d
local anon · 17d

i hope this doesn't tread on spoilers for Gaze, but which astro pairings to which characters do you feel are most fitting, or are you most amused by ~

Felix is the only one whose astro sits on my mind. Felix is, without exaggeration, kind of the Pisces Manifesto in every possible conceivable way lol including being impossible to explain even if he looks really simple and straightforward.

As far as pairings go, I don't know if I have much to say there! I don't actually think about the astro for Gaze characters that deeply, which isn't the usual for me.

local anon · 17d

genuine question anon here, sorry, you're actually right (and I am sorry you're going through this, too..). I hope your time off was good at least and it's not too much of a pain to get back to the groove, even if it's slow.

In that case if I can brighten your day by asking you a question that's been on my mind, how much can you spill about Mr. Vivaldi that's not on the GAEB webpage and is his name after the musician Vivaldi cause I have to know. Or like. Does he listen to Vivaldi.

despite the fact I am typing with fingers I am physically biting my tongue to discipline myself to not explain shit about Mr. Vivaldi. Everything about that man is a giant spoiler, but please know he's cooler than you currently think he is.

The most I can say is he did, in fact, name himself his goon monicker (because it's what he goes by professionally, it's not his actual name!) after the composer yes, specifically because of the Four Seasons. So yes he also listens to Antonio, too.

local anon · 17d

Don't give up hope I'm still seriously considering making a fandom account just so I can tall about Forspoken a lot. I am trying to remind myself that's a bad idea because people are annoying. Idk. Maybe I'll finally use dreamwidth, who knows.

local anon · 17d

genuine question bc I admire this so much and it blows my mind, plus my autism probably doesn't let my head wrap around it.. how would you be able to write opinions for days, plus game, plus work, plus take care of yourself? It feels like a superpower to have. To me even if I get excited my steam runs out after an hour of writing and then I can't do much but work and then sleep. brofists in freelance hell and solidarity

local anon · 17d

please I've been thinking forever I need a Jayd blog with your gaming adventures and opinions but writing takes TIME. I'd always tune in to your podcast, just so you know wink

local anon · 17d
local anon · 1mo

I really have to insist whatever coolness factor you think I have is wishful thinking at best.

And I'm glad you're taking the time to appreciate taking a break. Don't feel guilty for resting, you don't live to work, you work to live and all that.

Also having a the idea of a Chira-Soda gave me a good chuckle, thank you for that.

local anon · 1mo
local anon · 1mo
local anon · 1mo
local anon · 2mo

Hey Chiraa <33 I hope you're well <33 If you have time (and you don't mind me asking) could you pass on some questions you asked yourself when you decided to get off social media that you think might be helpful, or were the most interesting/ difficult to respond to?
I loved your recent post about it and resonated with me.
I am asking this on retrospring in case you decide to respond and someone else also finds it helpful besides me u v u
~sends kiss

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